Infertility Directory![]()
Center for Women's Medicine
Houston fertility clinic explains different treatment options as well as information on egg donation. Doctor profile, FAQ and seminars are also featured. http://www.drallon.com/
Dallas Ivf
Infertility treatment specialist Dr. Brian D. Barnett features descriptions of the many options he performs. Physician profile and success rate statistics are also available. http://www.ivfdallas.com/
Offices for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Manhattan infertility treatment specialist features descriptions of ideal candidates and the procedural process. Physician and clinic profile are also available. http://www.ofrm.com/
Reproductive Health Center
Tucson fertility clinic features descriptions of procedures such as in vitro fertilization, egg donation and intrauterine insemination. http://www.ivftucson.com/
The Center for Assisted Reproduction - Performing Tubal Anastomosis in Texas
The Center for Assisted Reproduction offers information on the various methods of tubal ligation and their impact on the tubal reversal procedure. http://www.tubalreversalusa.com